Shahram Izadi, Stephen Hodges, David Alexander Butler, Alban Rrustemi
Publication date
Patent office
Patent number
Application number
(51) Int. Cl.(57) ABSTRACT G06F 3/04(2006.01) A touch panel is described which uses at least one infrared (52) US Cl....... 345/173; 34.5/175; 34.5/211; 178/18.09 Source and an array of infrared sensors to detect objects which (58) Field of Classification Search.......... 345/156-158, are in contact with, or close to, the touchable surface of the
345/173, 175, 176; 715/702, 740; 178/1801-19.04; panel. The panel may be operated in both reflective and
434/322-364; 315/149-150 shadow modes, in arbirary per-pixel combinations which See application file for complete search history. change over time. For example, if the level of ambient infra red is detected and if that level exceeds a threshold, shadow
Total citations
Scholar articles
S Izadi, S Hodges, DA Butler, A Rrustemi - US Patent 8,094,129, 2012