Yunnan Wu, Saumitra M Das, Ranveer Chandra, Dinei Florencio
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Patent office
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Appl. No.: 11/745,340(57)(22) Filed: May 7, 2007 Context-based routing in multi-hop networks involves using a context-based routing metric. In a described implementa (65) Prior Publication Data tion, respective path values are calculated for respective ones of multiple paths using the context-based routing metric. A US 2008/O279101 A1 Nov. 13, 2008 path is selected from the multiple paths responsive to the calculated path values. Data is transmitted over at least one (51) Int. Cl. link of the selected path. In an example embodiment, the G06F 5/16(2006.01) context-based routing metric is ascertained responsive to an (52) US Cl........................ 709/203; 709/238; 709/241: estimated service interval (ESI) of a bottleneck link of each 709/242: 370/400; 370/351 path of the multiple paths. In another example embodiment,(58) Field of Classification Search................. 709/203, the context-based routing metric is ascertained …
Total citations
Scholar articles
Y Wu, SM Das, R Chandra, D Florencio - US Patent 7,693,939, 2010