Jakob D Uszkoreit, John Blitzer, Engin Cinar Sahin, Rahul Gupta, Dekang Lin, Fernando Pereira, Ciprian I Chelba
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Patent office
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A method identifies pairs of first and second command inputs from respective user device sessions for which the first and second operation data are indicative of a first operation failure and a second operation success. The first operation data indicate a first operation performed on data from a first resource property in response to the first command input, and the second operation data indicate a second operation performed on data from a second resource property in response to the second command input. They system determines, from the identified pairs of first and second command inputs, command inputs for which a parsing rule that is associated with the second operation is to be generated.
Scholar articles
JD Uszkoreit, J Blitzer, EC Sahin, R Gupta, D Lin… - US Patent 9,405,849, 2016