Amos Fiat, Moni Naor
Publication date
Advances in Cryptology—CRYPTO’93: 13th Annual International Cryptology Conference Santa Barbara, California, USA August 22–26, 1993 Proceedings 13
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
We introduce new theoretical measures for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of encryption schemes designed for broadcast transmissions. The goal is to allow a central broadcast site to broadcast secure transmissions to an arbitrary set of recipients while minimizing key management related transmissions. We present several schemes that allow a center to broadcast a secret to any subset of privileged users out of a universe of size n so that coalitions of k users not in the privileged set cannot learn the secret. The most interesting scheme requires every user to store O(k log k log n) keys and the center to broadcast O(k 2 log2 k log n) messages regardless of the size of the privileged set. This scheme is resilient to any coalition of k users. We also present a scheme that is resilient with probability p against a random subset of k users. This scheme requires every user to store O(log k …
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