Zhenyu Chen, Mu Lin, Fanglin Chen, Nicholas D Lane, Giuseppe Cardone, Rui Wang, Tianxing Li, Yiqiang Chen, Tanzeem Choudhury, Andrew T Campbell
Publication date
2013 7th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare and Workshops
How we feel is greatly influenced by how well we sleep. Emerging quantified-self apps and wearable devices allow people to measure and keep track of sleep duration, patterns and quality. However, these approaches are intrusive, placing a burden on the users to modify their daily sleep related habits in order to gain sleep data; for example, users have to wear cumbersome devices (e.g., a headband) or inform the app when they go to sleep and wake up. In this paper, we present a radically different approach for measuring sleep duration based on a novel best effort sleep (BES) model. BES infers sleep using smartphones in a completely unobtrusive way - that is, the user is completely removed from the monitoring process and does not interact with the phone beyond normal user behavior. A sensor-based inference algorithm predicts sleep duration by exploiting a collection of soft hints that tie sleep duration to …
Total citations
Scholar articles
Z Chen, M Lin, F Chen, ND Lane, G Cardone, R Wang… - 2013 7th International Conference on Pervasive …, 2013