Kenneth P Fishkin, David Goldberg, Anuj Uday Gujar, Beverly L Harrison, Elizabeth D Mynatt, Maureen C Stone, Roy Want
Publication date
Patent office
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A Zoomorphic computer for controlling a computer system includes an animal or humanoid shaped shell having an attached transceiver for tWo Way communication With a computer system. A position detecting unit determines posi tion of the Zoomorphic shell relative to the computer system, With change of position of the Zoomorphic shell relative to the computer system changing state the Zoomorphic shell or the computer system. The Zoomorphic shell can have mov able elements such as arms or tails, attached to the Zoomor phic shell, and support a feedback unit that communicates With the computer system, modifying position of a movable element in response to computer system output.
Total citations
Scholar articles
KP Fishkin, D Goldberg, AU Gujar, BL Harrison… - US Patent 6,160,540, 2000