Elie Bursztein, Jonathan Aigrain, Angelika Moscicki, John C Mitchell
Publication date
8th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT 14)
Over the last decade, it has become well-established that a captcha’s ability to withstand automated solving lies in the difficulty of segmenting the image into individual characters. The standard approach to solving captchas automatically has been a sequential process wherein a segmentation algorithm splits the image into segments that contain individual characters, followed by a character recognition step that uses machine learning. While this approach has been effective against particular captcha schemes, its generality is limited by the segmentation step, which is hand-crafted to defeat the distortion at hand. No general algorithm is known for the character collapsing anti-segmentation technique used by most prominent real world captcha schemes.
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Scholar articles
E Bursztein, J Aigrain, A Moscicki, JC Mitchell - 8th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies …, 2014