Richard C Davis, James Lin, Jason A Brotherton, James A Landay, Morgan N Price, Bill N Schilit
Publication date
Proceedings of the 11th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology
NotePals is an ink-based, collaborative note taking application that runs on personal digital assistants (PDAs). Meeting participants write notes in their own handwriting on a PDA. These notes are shared with other participants by synchronizing later with a shared note repository that can be viewed using a desktop-based web browser. NotePals is distinguished by its lightweight process, interface, and hardware. This demonstration illustrates the design of two different NotePals clients and our web-based note browser.
Total citations
Scholar articles
RC Davis, J Lin, JA Brotherton, JA Landay, MN Price… - Proceedings of the 11th annual ACM symposium on …, 1998
RC DAVIS, J LIN, JA Brotherton, JA Landay, MN Price… - UIST'98: Proceedings of the 11th Annual ACM …