Allen Cypher, Clemens Drews, Eben Haber, Eser Kandogan, James Lin, Tessa Lau, Gilly Leshed, Tara Matthews, Eric Wilcox
Publication date
No Code Required
Morgan Kaufmann
Publisher Summary
This chapter presents CoScripter, a system that enables users to capture, share, and automate tasks on the Web. Initial studies in this field had shown that there is a need for tools that support the automation and sharing of how-to knowledge in the enterprise. It has been observed in a core set of processes used by many participants as well as by less-common processes. Processes that participants used frequently were considered routine and tedious, whereas others were considered hard to remember. Automating these findings show that, while not perfect, CoScripter is beginning to overcome some of the barriers to sharing procedural knowledge. First, CoScripter provides a single public repository of procedural knowledge that interviewees used, e.g., several participants used scripts created by other people. Second, CoScripter eliminates the tedious task of writing instructions, e.g., DG1 used it …
Scholar articles
A Cypher, C Drews, E Haber, E Kandogan, J Lin, T Lau… - No Code Required, 2010