Monica Kullar, Scott Carter, Caitlin Hitchcock, Steve Whittaker, Aidan GC Wright, Tim Dalgleish
Publication date
American Psychological Association
Individuals differ markedly in how they experience the ebb and flow of emotions. In this study, we used daily experience sampling to examine whether these differences reflect the nature and presence of mood disorders or whether they can better be characterized as distinct dynamic emotion profiles that cut-across diagnostic boundaries. We followed 105 individuals in 2019–2020 with diagnoses of major depression, remitted major depression, bipolar disorder, or no history of disorder, over 14 days (n= 6,543 experience-sampling assessments). We applied group iterative multiple model estimation, using both diagnosis-based and data-driven methods to investigate similarities in unfolding within-person emotion-network time-courses. Results did not support diagnosis-based subgroupings but rather revealed two significant data-driven subgroups based on dynamic emotion patterns. These data-driven subgroups did …
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