Anja Belz, Michael White, Dominic Espinosa, Eric Kow, Deirdre Hogan, Amanda Stent
Publication date
Proceedings of the 13th European workshop on natural language generation
The Surface Realisation (SR) Task was a new task at Generation Challenges 2011, and had two tracks:(1) Shallow: mapping from shallow input representations to realisations; and (2) Deep: mapping from deep input representations to realisations. Five teams submitted six systems in total, and we additionally evaluated human toplines. Systems were evaluated automatically using a range of intrinsic metrics. In addition, systems were assessed by human judges in terms of Clarity, Readability and Meaning Similarity. This report presents the evaluation results, along with descriptions of the SR Task Tracks and evaluation methods. For descriptions of the participating systems, see the separate system reports in this volume, immediately following this results report.
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Scholar articles
A Belz, M White, D Espinosa, E Kow, D Hogan, A Stent - Proceedings of the 13th European workshop on natural …, 2011