Per-Ola Kristensson, Shumin Zhai
Publication date
Proceedings of the 17th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology
Zhai and Kristensson (2003) presented a method of speed-writing for pen-based computing which utilizes gesturing on a stylus keyboard for familiar words and tapping for others. In SHARK2:, we eliminated the necessity to alternate between the two modes of writing, allowing any word in a large vocabulary (e.g. 10,000-20,000 words) to be entered as a shorthand gesture. This new paradigm supports a gradual and seamless transition from visually guided tracing to recall-based gesturing. Based on the use characteristics and human performance observations, we designed and implemented the architecture, algorithms and interfaces of a high-capacity multi-channel pen-gesture recognition system. The system's key components and performance are also reported.
Total citations
Scholar articles
PO Kristensson, S Zhai - Proceedings of the 17th annual ACM symposium on …, 2004