Rahul Chatterjee, Joseph Bonneau, Ari Juels, Thomas Ristenpart
Publication date
2015 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
Password vaults are increasingly popular applications that store multiple passwords encrypted under a single master password that the user memorizes. A password vault can greatly reduce the burden on a user of remembering passwords, but introduces a single point of failure. An attacker that obtains a user's encrypted vault can mount offline brute-force attacks and, if successful, compromise all of the passwords in the vault. In this paper, we investigate the construction of encrypted vaults that resist such offline cracking attacks and force attackers instead to mount online attacks. Our contributions are as follows. We present an attack and supporting analysis showing that a previous design for cracking-resistant vaults -- the only one of which we are aware -- actually degrades security relative to conventional password-based approaches. We then introduce a new type of secure encoding scheme that we call a natural …
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Scholar articles
R Chatterjee, J Bonneau, A Juels, T Ristenpart - 2015 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2015