Aaron Sedley, Victoria Sosik, David Huffaker, Elie Bursztein, Sunny Consolvo
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Survey research, like all methods, is fraught with potential sources of error that can significantly affect the validity and reliability of results. There are four major types of error common to surveys as a data collection method:(1) coverage error arising from certain segments of a target population being excluded,(2) nonresponse error where not all those selected for a sample respond,(3) sampling error which results from the fact that surveys only collect data from a subset of the population being measured, and (4) measurement error. Measurement error can arise from the wording and design of survey questions (ie, instrument error), as well as the variability in respondent ability and motivation (ie, respondent error)[17]. This paper focuses primarily on measurement error as a source of bias in surveys. It is well established that instrument error [34, 40] and respondent error (eg,[21]) can yield meaningful differences in …
Scholar articles
A Sedley, V Sosik, D Huffaker, E Bursztein, S Consolvo - 2015