Jennifer C Mankoff, Eli Blevis, Alan Borning, Batya Friedman, Susan R Fussell, Jay Hasbrouck, Allison Woodruff, Phoebe Sengers
Publication date
CHI'07 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems
By its nature, the discipline of human computer interaction must take into consideration the issues that are most pertinent to humans. We believe that the CHI community faces an unanswered challenge in the creation of interactive systems: sustainability. For example, climate scientists argue that the most serious consequences of climate change can be averted, but only if fundamental changes are made. The goal of this SIG is to raise awareness of these issues in the CHI community and to start a conversation about the possibilities and responsibilities we have to address issues of sustainability.
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Scholar articles
JC Mankoff, E Blevis, A Borning, B Friedman… - CHI'07 extended abstracts on Human factors in …, 2007